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Monday, November 14, 2011

Day 1 in Wisconsin, SICK!!!

Today was the first day my stepdad and I's trip to fish the lake Michigan tribs on the Wisconsin side.  It could not have been a better day.  This was my first trip ever to the tribs and my first real experience with monster salmon runs as well.  The first thing that caught my eye upon arrival and walking along the river today, were the rotting King Salmon carcasses that looked to be between 30 and 40 lbs.  The day started off great, although the water was very off color.  Nymphs like egg patterns and soft hackle patterns recieved the majority of the takes and led to my biggest trout to date. I also swung some streamers and picked up a couple of good browns as well.  Below are some pictures of not only the big Seeforellen Browns that we got into, but also some great Coho salmon.


  1. Nice work! which trib were you fishing? I fished the kenosha harbor last friday, and ended up with 5 browns between two of us, the next day some of my friends fished the Pike but only caught salmon, no trout yet.

  2. We were on the root. A lot of salmon around, we just searched and searched for the browns since the water is still so off color. Luckily we found some good ones.
