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Sunday, November 18, 2012

Late Fall/Early Winter Fly Fishing

Yesterday, I had the privilege of fishing with a great angler who I spent a day on the water with last fall.  Last year, Mike and I ventured out to the Dream Stream in October in search of big Brown Trout.  What we found was a blizzard, and well, some really big Brown Trout.  After our great trip last year I was nervous about trying to replicate the experience.  While most of the big Browns have retreated to the lake, the fishing out in South Park remains very good. Our first two drifts resulted in a couple of Rainbows and the day just kind of took off from there.  Between fish that we landed or hooked up and lost, the action was consistent throughout the day.  I also have to say that Mike has a knack for being in the right place at the right time.  Last year he landed a 29 inch 14 lb Brown.  This year when all the big browns seem to have retreated, we ended up landing a 6-7 lb hen blind fishing a deep run.  She was still colored up and full of eggs and was a great fish to bring to the net.  On top of that we landed many more great Rainbows and even managed to hook two fish at once! All in all it was a great day.  While most people come to ski Colorado during the winter, we still have some outstanding fishing and can do guide trips.  I reccomend doing a half day trip as the best fishing will be between 10-2, or similar hours.  If you are interested in doing some winter fly fishing give me a call at 719-494-6480 or email me at  Below are some pictures from yesterday's trip.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Guiding Season Winding Down, Fishing Remains Good

Well the guide season is starting to wind down as winter begins to approach.  Fishing remains good on all the guideable waters.  The fall run out at the Dream Stream is basically done. While there are a few fish here and there, look for holdover fish from here on out and don't be surprised to see some nice rainbows conducting a fall spawn as well.  The Deckers area is still producing great results as well.  Fish are still spawning here as well so be carefull where you walk.  Nymphing and Dries have both been producing as midges and Blue Wings are going to be the primary bugs from here until Winter shows up in full force.  Below are some great Brown Trout from my trip today.  Look for some pictures next week as my buddy Landon and I head to fish some of the great lakes tributaries for monster Browns, Steelhead, and Salmon.  Here are those pics from today.