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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Quick Fix on the Ark

Well the day after Thanksgiving the itch to get on the water was too tough to fight.  My friends Cody and Tanner were visiting family in the Springs for the holiday so we decided to meet up and head down to fish the Arkansas river below Pueblo Reservoir.  It was a great spot to get a quick fix and have some fun for a few hours.  Between the three of us we landed a ton of fish and had a great time.  While most of the fish were your typical 10-14 inch stocker Bows, we we were able to get into and land some decent fish, including a 20 inch Rainbow and a few really nice Browns.  I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends.  Not really sure when I'll be on the water next, but I'm sure it wont be before to long.  Until then tight lines and good luck.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Final Day on Wisconsin Tribs

Well today Jim and I fished our last day on the Lake Michigan tribs in Wisconsin.  What a way to end the day.  We first drove up to Sheboygan to check out the Sheboygan and the Pigeon Rivers.  The Sheboygan was running high and very off color.  With the bigger river resembling chocolate milk, we headed over to the smaller Pigeon River.  Again, we were disappointed as we walked a lot of the river and saw nothing more than a few crusty Salmon.  So with the early morning wasted and wanting to end the trip on a good note, we headed back to the Root. This time we went to Colonial Park and started looking for fish.  The move south ended up paying off as a few big fish were brought to the net.  I ended up landing a 33 inch male Brown and Jim ended up landing a 30 inch hen.  My big guy ate a red glo egg, and Jim's ate a size 14 Prince Nymph.  Overall, it was an amazing trip. We caught a lot of big fish and a couple of species that I had yet to catch.  However, the goal of catching some monster Browns was accomplished by both Jim and myself and I am so grateful I was able to come on the trip. 

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Day 3 in Wisconsin

Well today I hit three new rivers by myself as Jim had some work he needed to do back at the hotel. He was missed out there today. The photos from today are my best attempt at getting pictures by placing my camera on a log or rock and many didnt turn out well. But anyways, the day started at the mouth of Oak Creek, right at Lake Michigan. The Brown pictured below was sitting no more than 30 feet inside the mouth and took off out into the lake when he was hooked. Second stop of the day was the Pike River down in Kenosha. I saw a few smaller fish and swung some streamers but came up empty handed. So I decided to head back north to the Milwaukee. The river was flowing at over 800cfs which really was not that much, but made it difficult to locate the Browns that I was after. Instead, I focused on catching some Salmon. Most of the Kings were pretty crusty, so when I found one that still looked strong I couldn't resist. Tomorrow Jim and I are headed further north up to the Sheboygan and Pigeon Rivers in search for our last big fish of the trip. Here are some pictures from today.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Day 2 Wisconsin

Well after fishing the Root River yesterday, today we decided to head over to the Menomonee River in downtown Milwaukee.  Right from the start I was excited to see that the water clarity was great.  King Salmon were all over the place and some Cohos were moving around as well.  After wacking a few big Kings, I started scouting out a little more and found some Browns sitting down in a deep run.  I was able to get a couple of big fish and a few smaller ones before we decided to head back to the Root.  The Root was packed with people.  However, I was able to land a a few good Browns and another Coho on a streamer.  Below are pics of both the fish at the Menomonee and the Root.  Not really sure where we are heading tomorrow. The Milwaukee river in town is still flowing pretty high so odds are I'll just scout around for a while and check out some of the other rivers that are around. 

Monday, November 14, 2011

Day 1 in Wisconsin, SICK!!!

Today was the first day my stepdad and I's trip to fish the lake Michigan tribs on the Wisconsin side.  It could not have been a better day.  This was my first trip ever to the tribs and my first real experience with monster salmon runs as well.  The first thing that caught my eye upon arrival and walking along the river today, were the rotting King Salmon carcasses that looked to be between 30 and 40 lbs.  The day started off great, although the water was very off color.  Nymphs like egg patterns and soft hackle patterns recieved the majority of the takes and led to my biggest trout to date. I also swung some streamers and picked up a couple of good browns as well.  Below are some pictures of not only the big Seeforellen Browns that we got into, but also some great Coho salmon.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Awesome Weekend at the Miracle Mile

This weekend my two friends, Tanner and Cody Smith and I decided to go after some big Browns on Wyoming's Miracle Mile.  The weekend was simply amazing.  Between the three of us over a hundred fish were caught, including some really big guys.  While nymphing with leeches and scuds were the ticket, we were able to get a few grabs on big streamers.  Overall, it was a fantastic trip with a lot of great fish caught.  Next week I'll be in Wisconsin fishing the tribs there and will try to update daily.  Here are some pics from this weekend up at the "Mile".