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Monday, November 7, 2011

Awesome Weekend at the Miracle Mile

This weekend my two friends, Tanner and Cody Smith and I decided to go after some big Browns on Wyoming's Miracle Mile.  The weekend was simply amazing.  Between the three of us over a hundred fish were caught, including some really big guys.  While nymphing with leeches and scuds were the ticket, we were able to get a few grabs on big streamers.  Overall, it was a fantastic trip with a lot of great fish caught.  Next week I'll be in Wisconsin fishing the tribs there and will try to update daily.  Here are some pics from this weekend up at the "Mile".


  1. great fish! nice choice on heading to wisconsin next weekend! the lake run browns and steelhead are just starting to come in, the kings are done and the cohos are mostly done, but can still be caught. Two weekends ago a friend of mine even caught two lake trout in the tribs!

    Good luck and maybe i'll see you out there!

  2. hey thank you very much. we are hoping that the recent rains last week will push some more fish in. Heard of some fresh Coho's on the Pike river but Im coming for browns. Not to say i wouldnt enjoy a big narly looking salmon but hey ill call that a bonus fish.
